Using schedule post in blogger

Posted by Andi Syahputra | 10:51 PM
Scheduled post is a blogger feature that announced long time ago. With scheduled post you can manage when your post will be publish. I can say this is a semi-automatic posting but actually you're still doing a manual post.... :D Want to know how it works? here is....

First, goto new post page, write your blog post as usual, but don't hit publish button. There's a expandable link called post options then appear these option:
- Reader comments
- Backlinks
- Post date and time

In Post date and time, set the time when you want this post to be published. For example I set this post to published at 2/9/12 10:51 PM.

Then hit publish button. If there's no error then you will get this notification and your post status will be scheduled.

But if you hit publish button and your post is published instead of showing that notification, that means you're entered a wrong date and time information.
So, is this will turn a blog into automatic blog? I think no, because you're still manual post to make it scheduled, and it's legal of course... :D
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