This post is one of the explanation of BjQuery feature. I'm sorry if the title make you confuse :D

Actually it called a link style features, that will change the mouse pointer when pointing a hyperlink.

This widget will make ALL links in your post totally blending with the text. So when you point a hyperlink, the mouse pointer won't change... :D

You can see the comparison below.

Normal link (before effect):


After aplied link style:


Follow this step to add link style effect to your site. Here's example for blogger blog:

- Open edit HTML, then tick expand widget template

- add this script below the <body> tag

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

- Find <data:post.body/>. Cover it with a div, for example I named the div as c_content

<div id='c_content'>



- Below that div, add the link style script:

Script format - jb_link_style("link color","underline","cursor type","c_content");





- save the template


- black = set the link color to black. You can change it with any color you want

- if underline is set to true, it will remove underline in hyperlink else (false), not remove underline

- if cursor type true, the hyperlik cursor will change to text. Otherwise (false), the cursor isn't change

OK, that's it. Stay tune for the next fun tutorial post.......

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