With this trick you can convert audio faster than any audio converter can do. And of course it's support batch conversion. All audio editing tutorial in this blog always use adobe audition to perform it.. :D So, this tutorial also use it.

I utilize the batch processing utility in adobe audition that could convert many audio files sequentially with a super conversion speed.
Here is the trick:
Goto file menu - batch processing, look the screenshot below:

First, add audio files you want to convert. Then change the destination where you want to save converted audio. Next, click the new format and change it with the setting you want.
For example if you want to compress your file to save disk space:
output format *.mp3
Single channel (give a checklist to "convert to mono" option)
pilih yang 56kbps, 44100hz
Then click run batch

The process will start automatically. The audio file is imported to the workspace then immediately converted to the selected new format. This happens less than 15 seconds per file, according to the length of your audio file too.
Try it... :D
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