BjQuery strong keyword widget for SEO

Posted by Andi Syahputra | 1:25 PM
Yesterday I've post about what is BjQuery. Now, I will share the tutorial about how to use the first BjQuery features, strong keyword for SEO. In SEO world, <strong> usually use more often then bold <b> tag. The result is same, but many SEO experts suggest to use <strong> than <b>.

Main purpose

This strong keyword widget will automatically add your keyword with a <strong> tag.

Here is how to add it to your site. I explain it in blogger version:

- Open edit HTML, then tick expand widget template

- add this script below the <body> tag

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

- Find <data:post.body/>. Cover it with a div, for example I named the div as c_content

<div id='c_content'>



- Below that div, add the strong keyword script:




- save the template

You're done :D

If you have any comment, please let me know.

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