BjQuery widget that I mention in previous post also had a google translate and alexa rank feature. You can add it easily with one line code. Google translate widget will show you 12 option of language you can translate to. Once you click one of it, you will automatically redirected to the translation page. Alexa rank widget will show the rank of any site you decide.

Google translate widget only had 1 style, while alexa rank had 3 style that you can choose.

Here is the script to add google translate tools to your site:

- Please make sure you already add BjQuery main script below the body tag

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

- add script jb_g_translate(number button in 1 row, "your site's language");

for example:




- place it inside body tag, wherever you want it to appear.. :D

- save your template

How to add alexa rank widget? here is the steps:

- BjQuery main JS must exist in your body tag :D

- add script jb_alexa("your site (without http:// prefix", style(1,2,or 3));





- Place it where you want it to appear then save your template.

Have fun with BjQuery alexa and google translate widget :D

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