Now I will share you the trick to backup your system. Windows XP using registry to store its setting. You can access it through regedit. Registry actually is a file that store in %windir%\system32\config folder as a 5 files, such as:
2. SAM
All of it is non-extension file. So, to backup your whole system settings just copy this 5 files then save it somewhere. And when you need to restore the setting, simply copy and replace the current file with the backup one.. :D
The problem is, windows will not allow you even to copy this files when it still running. To copy this files successfully, you need to close windows first, then you can use recovery console to copy these files. The easier way is to use hiren bootCD to boot windows via CD then replace the files via mini-XP.
Advantage for you that use dual OS, boot to that OS than copy the registry file mentioned above.
Good luck.. :D
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