In this tutorial I will show you how incredible money you can make just by doing almost NOTHING. All you do is put the auto generated javascript into your blog then you can start making money.. :D

What is is a link shortener service that convert your link into a tiny one just like or from google. The main difference is PAY you each time user click on the link you create. For further information you can visit their website.

Now I will share you this incredible script that can convert ALL your site's link into one. So, everytime use click on the link, it will redirected to site and you're revenue will counting up.
I'm sure this is not violate their TOS because I get the script from their forum and they said its legal. I just modified a little bit of the javascript so it can works better then previous version.

Here is the script:

<script type="text/javascript">
onmousemove = function adfly() {
adfly_id = '70794'; //replace with your ID
for (var i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++) {
var hrefer = document.links[i].href;
if(hrefer.match("") || hrefer.match("javascript:")|| hrefer.match("#")) {
document.links[i].href = document.links[i].href;
}else{document.links[i].href = '' + adfly_id + '/' + document.links[i].href;}

Just paste it into your BODY tag of your site.

This script will convert all your site's link, EXCEPT itself, javascript href, and '#' href. You can add any other link as exception such as your own site, advertising link, etc. To do that, just add the new || hrefer.match("your URL")) inside the IF section of the script.
That's it.. :D Very simple right? Don't forget to PARSE the script so it can work on your template (especially for blogger user)

I know that have provided the similar script but trust me, my script is easier and faster to load... :D

Catch mouse events in DIV using javascript

Posted by Andi Syahputra | 3:51 PM
Suddenly I thought to share you this simple trick. I know its very basic but i'm sure many people out there still don't know about this. So, here we go.... :D

Div (also called layer), made by using <div> tag and </div> close tag. So, any elements between it would be united as one single element. The position of div also can be set using CSS stylesheet that I'll explain to you next time. Now, we are about to catch mouse event by using javascript right?

Here's the trick. For example we made a div like this

<h1>This is the test</h1>

To catch the event, you just simply add mouse event listener to opening div tag. So far I know, javascript had many kinds of mouse events such as: onclick, onmouseover, onmouseout, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmousemove, and oncontextmenu.
The final look of the div will be like this:

<div onclick='function()'>
<h1>This is the test</h1>

where onclick you can replace it with other mouse event and function() can be replace with your javascript function declared in the head section of your webpage.

Full example in your webpage:

function test(){
alert("function test triggered");
<div onclick='function()'>
<h1>This is the test</h1>

Hope this help.. :D
Usually most people will use system restore to backup XP settings while others using various of backup application that take a long time to backup system setting.

Now I will share you the trick to backup your system. Windows XP using registry to store its setting. You can access it through regedit. Registry actually is a file that store in %windir%\system32\config folder as a 5 files, such as:
2. SAM

All of it is non-extension file. So, to backup your whole system settings just copy this 5 files then save it somewhere. And when you need to restore the setting, simply copy and replace the current file with the backup one.. :D

The problem is, windows will not allow you even to copy this files when it still running. To copy this files successfully, you need to close windows first, then you can use recovery console to copy these files. The easier way is to use hiren bootCD to boot windows via CD then replace the files via mini-XP.

Advantage for you that use dual OS, boot to that OS than copy the registry file mentioned above.
Good luck.. :D


Posted by Andi Syahputra | 12:35 PM
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